A List of Virtual HLAA Chapter Meetings by State
(A list compiled by Laura Hagemann, HLAA-TC)
It was mentioned at the October meeting that a list of HLAA virtual chapter meetings would be helpful while our chapter puts a pause on meetings (both physical and virtual) in 2020. The following is a list of chapters doing virtual meetings (as of the time this blog was published).
This is just a list of the chapters doing virtual meetings at this time (it’s pretty comprehensive, but if we missed anything, let us know, by commenting on one of these: blog, Facebook, Facebook Group or LinkedIn). To find webinars and virtual meetings through HLAA national: https://www.hearingloss.org/programs-events/calendar/
For a comprehensive list of all HLAA chapters nationally, visit: https://www.hearingloss.org/chapters-state-orgs/find-a-chapter/
(Listed in alphabetical order by state.)
HLAA National: Virtual Meeting: “Surviving the Holidays with Hearing Loss” Saturday, November 14 @ 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm EST, Register: https://www.hearingloss.org/event/hlaa-virtual-meeting-surviving-the-holidays-with-hearing-loss/?instance_id=950 Webinar: Captionmate Product Showcase Webinar November 17 @ 2:00 pm – 2:30 EST Register: https://www.hearingloss.org/event/hlaa-product-showcase-webinar-captionmate/?instance_id=949 Chapter Workshop: Engaging Discussions About Good Hearing Care featuring Bert Mejiers, Ida Institute, Wednesday, November 18 @ 2:00 pm/1:00 EST/CST Register: https://www.hearingloss.org/event/engaging-discussions-about-good-hearing-care/?instance_id=948
Arizona: West Valley Chapter: Meets every second Tuesday 1:00-2:15 PST, November 10 @ 1:00 PST “Self Advocacy For Effective Communication” to receive a link for the Zoom meeting, email: info@hlaawestvalleyaz.org
California: State Association: https://www.hearinglossca.org/ HLAA Virtual Meeting Hosted by HLAA CA: Communicating During the Holidays (Saturday, November 14, 2020 @ 1:00 PT) Meets 2nd Saturday Link to Register: https://mailchi.mp/hearinglossca/surviving-the-holidays-with-hearing-loss Contact: info@hearinglossca.org HLAA North Bay of California Chapter: Hearing Other People’s Experiences (HOPE) Support Group, Meets every other week on Thursdays, 4:00 pm PT https://hearinglossnorthbay.org Contact: info@hearinglossnorthbay.org HLAA Diablo Valley Chapter: Saturday, November 7, 2020, ”Using Speech to Text Apps to Communicate During the Holidays,” Meets 1st Saturday 10:00 am, PT https://www.hearinglossdv.org/ Contact: info@hearinglossdv.org HLAA Mission Viejo Chapter: Tuesday, November 10, 2020, Meets 2nd Tuesday, 11:00 am, PT http://hlaamv.org Contact: toni@hlaamv.org HLAA LongBeach/Lakewood Chapter: Thursday, November 12, 2020, Meets 2nd Thursday, 6:30 pm, PT https://www.hlaa-lb-lakewood.org Contact: info@hlaa-lb-lakewood.org Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYqc-6sqjgqGdfv_AOYZy4ZokoCV0UxU_sl HLAA East Bay Chapter: Saturday, November 14, 2020, Meets 2nd Saturday, 9:30 am, PT—Social 10:00 am, PT—Meeting, “Dr. Stefan Hellar, PhD is professor at the School of Medicine at Stanford University and he studies regenerative medicine of the inner ear. His talk will be about the cutting edge field of regeneration in the inner ear.” https://www.hearinglosseb.org Register for Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0pcemspjIrHNZVPFCAshydq0a7QsP5x-AO Contact: info@hearinglosseb.org
Colorado: State Association: https://www.hearinglosscolorado.org/ Boulder Chapter (Locations 1 & 2): Saturday, November 17, 2020, Meets 3rd Saturday @ 3:00 pm (MST) https://www.facebook.com/HLAABoulder Colorado Springs Chapter: Meets 2nd Saturday @ 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm MST For meetings: https://myemail.constantcontact.com/VIRTUAL-Meeting—Cochlear-Implants.html?soid=1118092311813&aid=WemVwiUJLVE Denver Chapter: Meets 3rd Saturday @ !:00 – 2:30 MST, Meeting on Zoom, contact: xweinhouse@aol.com Western Colorado Chapter: https://hearinglosswco.org Saturday, November 14: Group discussion about the ramifications of the pandemic for people with hearing loss will also be discussed. To join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6073997192 Future Meetings: December 12, 2020: TBA; January 9, 2021: TBA
District of Columbia: DC Chapter: Meets one Sunday a month, November 15 @ 2:00 pm EST “About HLAA’s Public Policy Information and Advocacy Activities During COVID-19”, December 7 @ 2:00 pm EST, Chapter Meeting and Hearing Loss blogger and HLAA Board of Directors member, Shari Eberts to discuss “Patient-centered care in audiology, ” email to be put on Zoom list: hladcchapter@gmail.com
Florida: State Association: https://www.hla-fl.org/ Find a listing of Florida State Association Virtual Meetings: https://www.hla-fl.org/online-meeting-schedule/ All meetings at 12:30 pm ET Nov. 11 Dr. Brad Ingrao Improving Your Hearing Relationship With Music; Nov. 18 Book Club Discussion Life After Deaf by Noel Holston; Dec. 9 Gael Hannan Author, Actor & Public Speaker to on Owning Your Own Hearing Loss; Dec. 16 Various Entertainers Holiday Carols & Communication Strategies for the Holidays Sun City Center Chapter: Meets 3rd Tuesday @ 12:30 pm EST on Zoom, email: eloise6376@gmail.com Treasure Coast Chapter: Meets 3rd Saturday @ 10:30 am EST, socializing starts at 10:00- contact the Chapter at tcflhla@live.com for sign in info for the monthly Zoom meetings.
Illinois: Chicago Chapters: November 14, 2:00 – 3:00 CST Topic: Loops & Counter Loops (with speakers Juliette Sterkerns, Meghan Thunder, and Ginerva Ralph) RSVP online: http://hearinglosschicagolp.org/event/hlaa-chicagoland-captioned-zoom-meeting-november-2020/
Indiana: Indianapolis Chapter: Meeting virtually 1st Saturday of the month @ 10:15 am – 12:00 CST, November 7th meeting featuring Matt Hay (who was on the recent cover of Hearing Life magazine), Also has a weekly informal chat session every Saturday 10:00 am – 12:00 pm (next one is Nov. 14). Google Meeting link: https://meet.google.com/hon-jtjc-dpr
Minnesota: Twin Cities Chapter: On Hold in 2020 and resuming in January 2021. https://www.hlaatc.org/hlaa-tc-meeting-schedule-and-bulletin/
Massachusetts: Boston: https://hearatboston.org/ ; Central Massachusetts Chapter: https://hearinglosscentralma.wordpress.com/upcoming-events/ The Central MA chapter isn’t having their own virtual meetings but promotings those of others. Plymouth Chapter: November 18 @ 4:00 EST Betty Hauck, who is a musician with hearing loss who has been featured on NPR will talk, To read about her: https://wbur.fm/3kd3KLy Email for meeting information: sspekman@gmail.com
Michigan: State Association: http://www.hearingloss-mi.org/
New Jersey: State Association: http://www.hearingloss-nj.org/index.htm November 14 11:00 – 1:00 EST Virtual Annual Meeting with speaker Nigel Gardner, CEO Adio Directions talking about “Looping New Jersey” Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87464420524 Morris County Chapter: November 21, 2020 – Rights of People with Hearing Loss (Zoom meeting), email for information: AnnMarie.Picardo@hearingloss-nj.org
New Mexico: Albuquerque: Saturday, November 21 9:30 -11:30 PT, Meets 3rd Saturday. https://www.hearinglossabq.org/
New York: Albany: Currently only a virtual board meeting scheduled Website: https://hearinglossalbany.wordpress.com/ New York City: Meets 1st Thursday 6:00 -7:30 ET: November 17th (on this day to accommodate election) “Hidden Hearing Loss: What We Know and What We Don’t”; December 1 “Music & Hearing Loss” email to get on list to receive Zoom links: info@hearinglossnyc.org http://www.hearinglossnyc.org Rochester: All meetings on Zoom November 10 @ 12:00 EST “Pete Fackler: What’s New from National HLAA?”; Tuesday, November 17 @ 10:00 am EST: Joseph Kozelsky, CCC/A Hearing Other People’s Experiences (HOPE); Thursday, November 19 @ 10:00 am EST Virtual ALD Demo center: HLAA-Rochester Technology Team To Register for Zoom, visit: https://sites.google.com/view/register4hlaaroc/home
North Carolina: State Association: http://www.nchearingloss.org/ Asheville: Tuesday, November 17, @ 6:30 pm ET email to participate: hlasheville@gmail.com http://www.nchearingloss.org/asheville.htm http://www.nchearingloss.org/brevard.htm Charlotte Chapter: Meets every month, 6:30 p.m. social time and 7 p.m. meeting time. Contact chapter for more details. myra@carolina.rr.com Greensboro Chapter: A chapter is being organized for this area, visit website to find out virtual meetings, etc. http://www.nchearingloss.org/greensboro.htm http://www.nchearingloss.org/newbern.htm Wake Chapter (Raleigh): November 19, 6:45 ET “Knowledge is (Hearing) Power”!: Guest speaker, Patricia Johnson Au.D., to receive the Zoom link, please email: steve.barber@earthlink.net http://www.nchearingloss.org/wake.htm
Oregon: State Association: https://www.hlaa-or.org/meeting-dates.html October 10th, 2020 by video conferencing; January 9th, 2021 by video conferencing; April 10th, 2021 by video conferencing; July 10th, 2021 by video conferencing, email for information and links: info@hearinglossOR.org
Oklahoma: Central Oklahoma Chapter (Oklahoma City): Third Thursday of each month, 11:30am-1:00pm (CST) https://oklahomahearingloss.org/ (Sign up for the monthly meetings by entering your email where indicated on their website.) November 19: Highlighting churches in the Oklahoma City area that have hearing loops
Pennsylvania: Chester County Chapter (Southeast PA): Zoom meeting in October, there might be one in November. Email: hlaachesco@gmail.com http://www.hearinglosschesco.com Morris County Chapter: Meets 1st Monday at 5:30-7:30 https://hlaamcc.org/category/meetings/
Veterans Across America Virtual Chapter: https://www.hearingloss.org/hearing-help/communities/veterans/ Meets 3rd Tuesday of the month @ 8:00/7:00 EST/CST, Next meeting: Dr. Juliette Sterkens on “What’s in Your Hearing Rucksack?.” Register: https://hearingloss.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIvd-CsqDwoGtSVn_cj_-_0z-ILml_2RRLt
Virginia: Virginia Beach Chapter: November 14, 2020 – “Accommodations Available at Sentara Healthcare for the Hearing Loss Community” by Katy Trapp, BSN, RN-BC, Manager of Sentara Center for Healthcare Ethics; December 12, 2020 – “Chapter Holiday Celebration and Zoom Meal”. Facilitated by Don Doherty, Chapter President. Stay tuned for details.; January 9, 2021 – “Overview of the Association of Adult Musicians with Hearing Loss” by President and Founder, Wendy Chang.; February 13, 2021 – “Overview of Access Virginia” by President and Founder, Lois Boyle; March 13, 2021 – “Genetic Hearing Loss” by Koren Long, Singer and Songwriter, Email to attend Zoom meetings: doherty46@gmail.com or janepop@cox.net
Washington: State Association: https://hearingloss-wa.org/ Whatcom Chapter: Meets 3rd Saturday 9:30 am – 11:30 am PST, meets on Zoom, check website for information about Zoom: https://www.hearingloss-whatcom.org/test-prep
Wisconsin: State Association: https://www.hlaawi.org/ Fox Valley Regional Chapter: Monday, November 9 @ 6:30 pm CST “Canine Companions for Independence presented by: Nancy Gilbertson & Dalton III” Meeting Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5450687878 https://www.hlaawi.org/fox-valley-chapter.html Madison Chapter: November 17 @ 6:00 – 8:00 Fire Safety & Prevention. Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81840377258?pwd=ZUM4UXVUK2dPSVRCYlpLeUFqOS90Zz09