The name of the organization is the Hearing Loss Association of America, Twin Cities Chapter, Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN, USA. This organization is an affiliate of the national organization, Hearing Loss Association of America, Incorporated (HLAA). Hearing Loss Association of America, Twin Cities Chapter, Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN USA will be referred to as HLAA-TC throughout this document.


HLAA-TC is a volunteer organization of hard of hearing people, their relatives, and friends. It is a non-profit, nonsectarian educational organization devoted to the welfare and interests of those who are hard of hearing but are committed to participating in the hearing world. HLAA-TC shall be in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area of Minnesota.


“To open the world of communication to people with hearing loss by providing information, education, support and advocacy.”

The objectives of HLAA-TC are to:

  1. Encourage identification of the people within the community that are hard of hearing.
  2. Provide education for them, their families, and friends on how best to cope with being hard of hearing.
  3. Foster programs and solutions aimed at alleviating the daily obstacles and challenges of a person who is hard of hearing.
  4. Engage in free and open communication with all concerned in finding a common basis of fellowship and understanding.
  5. To serve as an extension of the national organization, Hearing Loss Association of America Inc, (HLAA), to make hearing loss an issue of concern within the Twin Cities by promoting the HLAA-TC philosophy of self-help.


The functions of the organization shall be to:

  1. Promote programs designed to integrate people who are hard of hearing into all aspects of society.
  2. Come together in fellowship, empathy and concern based on common experiences.
  3. Provide and exchange information relating to the nature, complications and possible remedies of hearing loss.
  4. Represent people who are hard of hearing before state governmental bodies, other organizations and voluntary groups, the media and the general public.
  5. Develop educational and social programs and activities for hard of hearing adults and children.


A person paying fees to HLAA-TC is encouraged to be a member in good standing with HLAA National. Provisions for paying fees:

  1. Fees are accepted from any person willing to agree with the purposes of the organization and function of the local and national organizations.
  2. Fees paid to HLAA-TC are separate from the HLAA national organization.
  3. The yearly fees are determined by a simple majority vote of the partnership.
  4. Rights of persons paying fees:
    1. To hold any office in the local and national organization if dues are paid to National when duly elected or appointed.
    2. To make and/or amend motions and vote on them.
    3. To serve on committees.
    4. To serve as a delegate to national and/or state conventions if dues are paid to National.
    5. To participate in all discussions concerning the chapter.
    6. To present a grievance.
    7. To receive the regular newsletter.



  1. HLAA-TC shall be governed by these bylaws and those of the national organization.
  2. Regular meetings shall be held each month, September through May, unless otherwise decided by the partnership or governing Board.
  3. At least seven (7) partners in good standing shall constitute a quorum for conducting business at regular meetings.



    1. Officers of the HLAA-TC shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Four (4) At Large Directors. These officers shall be elected by a simple majority vote of the partners in good standing for a term of two (2) years. There are no term limits for an elected officer. The immediate past President shall participate on the governing Board and have a vote. Elections are to be held at the annual meeting in May. If for any reason a position is not filled, the remaining officers shall share the duties of the unfilled position until the position is filled by a special vote. All officers must be members of HLAA National. The executive Board is empowered to accept resignations and fill vacancies between meetings of the membership.
    1. DUTIES:
      1. President:
        1. Shall preside at all meetings of the partnership and governing board.
        2. Shall appoint chairpersons of all standing committees determined by the governing board and all committees formed by a vote of the partnership.
      2. Vice-President:
        1. Shall assist the President in all his/her duties.
        2. Shall temporarily perform the duties of the President when he/she is absent of disabled.
        3. Shall replace the current president after his or her term.
      3. Secretary:
        1. Shall keep minutes of all partnership and governing board meetings. 
        2. Shall handle all correspondence.
      4. Treasurer:
        1. Shall maintain all records of all receipts and disbursements.
        2. Shall make reports of the financial condition at partnership and governing board meetings when requested,
        3. Shall provide an annual report if requested.
        4. Shall be responsible for retrieving and distributing the mail
      5. Immediate Past President and State Coordinator
        1. The Immediate Past President shall serve as a member of the governing Board. The State Coordinator may serve as a member of the Governing Board.
        2. May serve in activities delegated by the President.


    Composition and Duties:

    1. The governing Board shall consist of all elected officers and shall include the immediate past President. Board meetings will be open to the general partnership.
    2. The governing board shall meet as the board deems necessary and the general partnership shall be advised of the board meeting prior to holding this meeting.
    3. A quorum shall be a simple majority.
    4. The governing board shall make recommendations to the general partnership for all matters concerning vacancies, removal and other business that requires resolution.
    5. Voting at the governing board meeting shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, At-Large Directors, and the immediate past President.




  1. The President shall present the slate of nominees for elected office, at the regular meeting prior to the election. This slate will also be listed within the HLAA-TC newsletter prior to the election.
  2. Any partner in good standing may be nominated from the floor.
  3. Officers shall be nominated by a simple majority vote of the partnership at the annual meeting.
  4. Each partner shall be entitled to one (1) vote. Elections to office and to the governing board shall be a simple majority of all votes cast.




  1. Robert’s Rules of Order, latest edition, shall govern the conduct of all meetings of the partnership and the governing board when they are not in conflict with the local and national bylaws.




  1. Amendments may be proposed by motion of any partner in good standing at any regular meeting. If the motion is seconded and passed, all partners shall be notified of the proposed amendment at least ten (10) days prior to the next scheduled meeting. Approval of any amendment shall require a two-thirds majority vote at the next scheduled meeting. Methods of partner notification may be within the newsletter or by other means of written notice sent to each partner.




  1. The fiscal year of the chapter shall be the same as that of the National office.
  2. The annual financial repot shall be audited as directed by the governing board.
  3. Annual fees shall be determined by a simple majority vote of the partnership.
  4. If the chapter dissolves or ceases to function, all remaining funds and assets shall be distributed exclusively to charitable, religious, scientific, literary, or educational organizations which would then qualify under the provisions of Section 501 © (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.




  1. Individuals or a group of partners shall have the right to present signed or unsigned grievances for action and decision by the partnership. Written grievances shall be presented to the President.
  2. Grievances shall be included in the agenda for the next partnership meeting. If it is agreed that they should be pursued, the President shall appoint a committee of three (3) to serve as a grievance committee and to make an investigation and present a written report on its findings at the next partnership meeting.
  3. Officers shall not serve on a grievance committee.
  4. Approval of the grievance committee’s recommendation shall be binding on the officers, except that the action may be appealed in writing to the executive committee of the national office within sixty (60) days.