A Recap of Day Two of the HLAA Virtual Convention 2021
Friday, June 25, 2021, marked the second day of the HLAA Virtual Convention 2021. On the first day (June 24th) we blogged about one of the sessions and about the exhibitors (read that blog post here). Today we are recapping the second day. Tomorrow (Saturday, June 26, 2021) marks the last day of the virtual convention. You can still register and attend sessions and interact with exhibitors since it’s all virtual/online this year. Click here to find the schedule for the remainder of the convention and to register.
A list with links of the HLAA Virtual Convention 2021 Exhibitors is included at the end of this post.
The first session was “Hearing Aids: Over-the-counter (OTC), Direct-to-consumer (DTC) and Connectivity” Presenter: Thomas A. Powers, Ph.D., Managing Member, Powers Consulting LLC. I didn’t attend this session.
Regarding the availability of recorded sessions HLAA stated the following in an email to attendees: “Later next week, recordings will be available to Virtual Convention registrants on the Showcare platform for 30 days after the event. In two weeks, per HLAA’s grant with NIDCD, the Research Symposium recording will be made available on HLAA’s website to everyone. The Happy Hour on June 24 and our Virtual Exhibit Hall sessions were not recorded.”
The second session was “The Latest in Digital Inclusion Technologies” Presenter: Larry Goldberg, Senior Director and Head of Accessibility, Verizon Media. As was the case with yesterday’s session, the speaker was informative but so was the audience. Links and various tips were being shared in the question and answer screen during the webinar.
Links shared:
Website on racial disparities in automated speech recognition: https://www.pnas.org/content/117/14/7684
A Guide on Speech-to-Text Basics: https://cloud.google.com/speech-to-text/docs/basics
A form to request Live Transcription in Zoom: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSccQQ2W-K8naaltkBIbuv6BfJvisy0NZS2qWIKd0gSMUWGGpQ/viewform
GalaPro, an app that helps with captioning live theater performances: https://www.galapro.com/
HLAA Virtual Convention 2021 Exhibitors:
CapTel Captioned Telephone: https://www.captel.com/
Starkey Hearing Technologies: https://www.starkey.com/
Cochlear Americas: https://www.cochlear.com/us/en/home
CapTel From TMobile: https://captelfromtmobile.com/
CaptionCall: https://captioncall.com/
MedEl (Cochlear Implants): https://www.medel.com/en-us/hearing-solutions/cochlear-implants/hear-the-difference
Advanced Bionics: https://advancedbionics.com/us/en/campaign/virtual-booths/virtual-booth-hlaa-2021.html
American Speech Language Hearing Association (ASHA): https://www.asha.org/
AT&T: https://www.att.com
Contacta, Inc.: https://contactainc.com/
Envoy Medical: https://www.envoymedical.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/
Frequency Therapeutics: https://www.frequencytx.com/
Google: https://www.google.com/
Hamilton CapTel: https://hamiltoncaptel.com/
Hearing Health Foundation: https://hearinghealthfoundation.org/
Hear Music Again: https://www.hearmusicagain.org/
InnoCaption: https://innocaption.com/
Olelo Machine Genius Caption Calling: https://www.machinegenius.com/
Singular Hearing (HeardThat): https://www.heardthatapp.com/about-singular-hearing