April Meeting Updates
Below is information about the April chapter meeting and NEW INFORMATION about the April Book Club.
APRIL CHAPTER MEETING: Saturday, APRIL 20, 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Technology Round Table Discussion led by HLAA-TC President Byrdie Coninx (with various guests). This is the topic and guests we planned on for the March meeting we had to cancel.
Hybrid Meeting- Both at Courage Kenny and on Zoom Register: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwucOmgpjwoHtVikJRf6VAfNXlGDNgkL0TB
This is a hybrid meeting, attend either in person at Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Center in Golden Valley, MN or via Zoom.
Schedule: Socializing starts at 9:30 (for the in person meeting, no social time on Zoom) with the speaker/program beginning at 10.
CART (live captioning) is provided.
To find out more about HLAA-TC and this meeting, visit our website and blog at www.hlaatc.org
April BOOK CLUB: Tuesday, April 23rd 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. (Central Time) The HLAA-TC Book Club will be meeting on Zoom to discuss a nonfiction book.
After first choosing a different book (that unfortunately is now out of print), we have decided to read a different nonfiction book. April’s nonfiction selection is:
“My Maggie” by Richard King BARD/NLS: Yes, both Braille: BR 1772 BARD: DB 66445
Amazon Summary: “My Maggie is a rare and real love story. Rich and Maggie King were two people who never gave up on each other a testament to a love few have the will to attain. She was his childhood sweetheart and wife of thirty two years. Diagnosed with hearing loss at the age of four, she wore cumbersome hearing aids and felt the humiliation of being different. Slowly, an insidious disease robbed her of vision. She fought three different cancers, changed careers in the middle of her life and fought to realize her dreams. Yet, underneath these great challenges, there was an incredible love shared by two people. It was cemented by adversity and reached a near perfect spiritual connection. They lived a classic old fashioned love story.”
Book Club time and date and Zoom registration link is still the same:
Tuesday, APRIL 23, 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Central Time Zoom Register Here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEld-yoqzsoE9HgL6RLwaIzAV7HK5s7B1Cs?os=ipad#/registration
The meeting will be captioned. It will start at 7:00 pm and end around 8:30 pm (central time). (All meetings are free and open to HLAA members or non-members.)
For more information about the book club (a reading schedule for 2024 has been decided, see what we’ll be reading this year), visit the HLAA-TC Book Club Page: https://www.hlaatc.org/book-club/