Hybrid HLAA-TC Chapter Meetings Starting in September
Starting with the chapter meeting on September 16, 2023, HLAA-TC will be offering Hybrid meetings. What that means is you will be able to attend chapter meetings either on Zoom or in person at our original meeting room at Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Center in Golden Valley, MN. See below for directions on how to attend either on Zoom or in person:
To attend the meeting on ZOOM:
Prior to the meeting, click the “register here” link on the HLAATC website (in the PURPLE BOX on the homepage). After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting via Zoom on the scheduled meeting day.
Please register a day prior to the meeting (for the September meeting register by September 15th).
To attend the meeting IN PERSON:
Join us at Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Institute, 3915 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley MN 55422. Sign-in begins at 9:30 AM.
Social time in person begins at 9:30 AM (no social time on ZOOM) Formal meeting is at 10:00 AM for both in-person and ZOOM.
We have announced some of the fall schedule of speakers on our website: https://www.hlaatc.org/meetings/
The September 16th meeting is with Calla Kevan and Natalie Regenscheid of MN Department of Human Services, Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services Division (DHHSD).
A fun video explaining hybrid chapter meetings is now up on our YouTube and website.