Keeping up with the HLAA-TC Book Club
As we mentioned earlier, the HLAA-TC Book Club is taking a break in January. However, we already have the first several books chosen for 2022. The nonfiction book we are reading for February is “Signs of Survival: A Memoir of the Holocaust” by Renee Hartman with Joshua M. Greene. We haven’t selected a date for the February book club but we will announce it on our new Book Club page on our website.
The Book Club page on the website is where we list the book we are currently reading and books we’ve read in the past and plan to read in the future (please visit our book club page).
If you would like to join us in one of our future Zoom meetings please email Laura Hagemann at All meetings are open to all (you don’t have to be an HLAA or HLAA-TC member to participate), free and live captioned. We keep the meetings to an hour and a half and we have had several authors and guests (see the book club page for a list of authors and guests we’ve had).
The book club has been an enjoyable way for us to stay involved with each other even though we are separated by miles and a pandemic. We are always welcoming to new participants and would love to have you join us. An announcement of the February book club date will happen soon. Watch the book club page on the website, this blog or Facebook.