HLAA-TC will not be attending the MN State Fair 2021
In support of the decision of the Minnesota Council on Disability (MCD) and the Minnesota Commission of the Deaf, DeafBlind and Hard of Hearing (MNCDHH), the board of the Hearing Loss Association of America, Twin Cities Chapter (HLAA-TC) has decided not to attend the 2021 Minnesota State Fair. The decision was made to protect our disability and elderly communities. Further information can be found on the Minnesota Council on Disability website: https://www.disability.state.mn.us/events/minnesota-state-fair-2021-open-letter/
Other matters of interest: HLAA-TC Book Club is meeting this week virtually to discuss “Shouting Won’t Help” by Katherine Bouton. Katherine will be joining us. We’re meeting Thursday, August 19 at 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm Central Time). Email Laura, social@hlaatc.org , if you want to attend and she will send you a meeting link. Newsletter- If you would like to subscribe to our free monthly newsletter, send an email to editor@hlaatc.org requesting to subscribe. And if you would like to submit an article for the newsletter, please review the submission guidelines on our website here.